Remixing RATM: SebastiAn and Soda&Suds!
Published vrijdag 25 april 2008 by Soda&Suds inWe have no idea what they saying, but is kinda cool!
Remixing Rage Against The Machine
Der er virkelig noget at leve op til, når man som elektronisk kunstner forsøger sig med et remix af legendariske Rage Against The Machine. Dog har SebastiAn før forsøgt sig med et remix af Killing In The Name, som jeg egentlig synes var lidt vagt, dog ikke destro mindre velproduceret.
Soda&Suds er 2 belgiske dj’s der godt kan lide elektro, nu-rave og techno - og tilsyndeladende dEUS, eftersom deres navn er opkaldt efter dEUS’ sang, Sods and Soda.
Soda&Suds har også forsøgt sig med at remixe Rage Against The Machine som jeg egentlig synes at der er kommet et overraskende godt resultat ud af, på trods af mine fordomme om at et par ukendte belgiske dj’s ikke bør remixe legenderne i RATM, da de umuligt vil kunne leve op til det - lyt selv:
RATM - Guerilla Radio (Soda and Suds Remix) (download)
Hey you guys.. Cool you found our post - it's positive, though.. We really like it :D
"There's really something to live up to, when remixing legendary Rage Against The Machine. SebastiAn once did it, which I think was a bit vague, even though it was very well produced.
Soda&Suds are two Belgian dj's, who likes electro, nu-rave and techno - and apparently dEUS, since they're named after their song, Sods and Soda.
Soda&Suds has also tried remixing Rage Against The Machine and I think the result is surprisingly good, in spite of my prejudice that two quite unknown Belgian dj's shouldn't be remixing the legends from Rage Against The Machine."
That's a rough translation of the post we brought about you ;) Great work with the remix!